
8 Ways to Build Momentum

train with smoke

Building Personal Momentum

At times, in the pursuit of our goals, we build up momentum over a long period of time, only to get sick, go on vacation, change jobs, or do whatever else and lost all the momentum we’ve carefully built up.
It sucks, but it happens.
The only thing to do during those times is to start again.
But sometimes, that sucks even more. You don’t feel like starting over. You might feel like just hanging out for a while and not work on changing your life.
You’re more than welcome to do that. If that’s what you want to do though, I’d suggest you go find another blog post.
No. Because you want to change your life, and you are getting accustomed to doing hard things, you want to start building momentum again. The only way to get your momentum back is to start from scratch.
Here are 8 things that you can do that will help you start building momentum. These tips are great because they are small, but effective. You don’t have to climb Mount Everest today, but you do have to take a step.
Before you read the steps, make sure you are subscribed to the podcast. Every monday, I release an episode where I interview an expert who has risen above average and has done hard things.
Now start building momentum.

1. Clean Something

Start by cleaning something. Clean your room or your car. This might seem simple, but your environment often reflects you. If you can’t order your living space, then how can you order your life? Clean something and enjoy the pleasure that comes from accomplishing something start to finish. This helps build momentum because you are literally moving and that makes it easier to keep moving. Remember Newton’s Laws.

A person cleaning something in order to build momentum in their life.
Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com

2. Exercise

Continuing on that same vein of movement, exercise! Because it is easier to keep moving when you’ve been moving, start moving. It sounds simple because it is. Whenever you find yourself in a funk or a rut, go workout. Get sweating. Working out releases endorphins that help you feel happier. Not only that, but when you workout you test yourself. That builds confidence that you can accomplish the next task. Go work out.

3. Serve Someone

Too often whenever we lose momentum and we fall into a rut, we get in our own way. Get out of your own way by serving someone else. This naturally helps you start thinking of ways to add value, and what’s more it minimizes your own problems and puts them in perspective. Serve someone and start changing your life.

Someone giving someone service in order to build momentum in his life.
Photo by Tim Samuel on Pexels.com

4. Eat some Veggies

Nutrition is very difficult for so many people. One of the biggest problems is that we overcomplicate it. We focus on the wrong things (physical image) and forget about the right things (correct nutrition, caloric intake, etc.). Take some time and worry about something right. Eat some vegetables, on purpose. Listen to how your body feels and enjoy the accomplishment of a step forward. Eat some veggies.

5. Create a plan

I’ve already had multiple of my podcast guests give the advice of making a plan and writing it down. Take 30 minutes and identify a single goal. Cut that goal into steps you can take daily. Write down when and how you will accomplish those steps. Now put that plan into action. This helps create momentum because it systematizes the whole process, freeing up important willpower, and simplifying everything. Make a plan.

A plan someone made in order to build momentum in their life.
Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com

6. Read an Article about a Skill you Want to Learn

This one should take about 5 minutes. Identify a skill you want to learn. Now read an article about that skill. If you want, you could watch a youtube video, but the idea is to learn about a specific skill. This does 2 things. First, you’ll get excited to practice the skill. If you aren’t, you’ve picked the wrong skill for you and pick another one. Second, you’ll have some knowledge of how to practice the skill. After that, the only thing is to practice the skill.

7. Make Your Bed

This one is similar to the “clean something” tip. The idea is to establish order to something small and simple in your life. This helps you realize that there are things in life that are under your control. If nothing else, you’ve prepared your sleeping place for a better night’s rest. That will help you gain momentum in all the other parts of your life.

A bed someone made to build momentum in their life
Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com

8. Sign up for a class

Take some time to look up a class that teaches a skill you are interested in. If you have the money, pay for the class, otherwise look for a free class. Signing up for the class is an easy way to initiate movement without really trying very hard. Take the simple step and learn something new to make the changes in your life that will bring you more fulfillment. There are even online classes you can take that work great.

Do Something

The idea in all of these tips is to do something. That’s really tip number 9. Take a step. Let me tell you, only immobile things gather dust. Dust is hard to shake off when you aren’t moving. Stop waiting and take the first steps. If you don’t know what to do try one of these:

Tools someone would use to do something to build momentum in their life.
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels.com

1.Clean Something2.Exercise3.Serve Someone4.Eat Some Veggies5.Create a Plan6.Read an Article about a Skill7.Make Your Bed8.Sign Up for A Class
If you are still looking for ways to build more momentum in your life, subscribe to the podcast where you’ll get weekly conversations of people who have gone above average and done hard things. Make sure you don’t miss an episode because you never know which one is what will change your life.