
How Do You Bolster Your Resilience? | Ep. 126: Former Navy Seal Steve Giblin

Former Navy Seal Steve Giblin

Today we discuss COVID 19, personal choices of consequence and resilience.

Welcome back to the 126th episode of the Hard Thing Podcast.

Today I share my conversation with Steve Giblin, author of the new book Walking in Mud

Here are some highlights from today’s show:

  • Steve’s hardest thing was making it through Hell Week in BUDS and then serving as a Navy Seal
  • Resilience is all about coping
  • Resilience is getting hit with hard things and still going
  • With the “new normal” everyone needs to weigh personal choices and pre-accept their inherent consequences
  • Gratitude is an excellent way to prepare your mind before, during, and after hard things
  • Parents always teach what schools can’t

We also got some great action items from today’s guest:

  1. Work on resilience in all aspects of your life
  2. Don’t overthink
  3. Ask, “What could I have done better?”
  4. Start each day with gratitude
  5. Be a better version of yourself tomorow

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Again thanks so much for listening, and stay tuned to next week. Keep doing Hard Things, and Keep Overcoming Average.

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